Images from Barcelona (CCCB) exhibit, “Human + The Future of Our Species”, Oct. 2015-April 2016, and Art Science Museum, Singapore, April-Oct 2017.
Portrait of a Girl: A motorized pair of girl’s legs stands on top of a table and makes her presence known through loud and erratic stomping, tapping, and shaking/shivering (she’s wearing tap shoes) on a glass-topped table. The piece uses a proximity sensor and performs different behaviors depending on the distance the viewer stands from the pieces. The closer the audience gets to the piece, the more aggressive her actions become.
Alternating between aggressive, attention-getting tantrums, fake stomps and steps, and seemingly uncontrolled shaking and jerking, this girl provides the emotional temperature of the room through her small actions.
Mixed Media: Aluminum girl’s legs, shoes, glass-topped table, motors, custom electronics, proximity sensor.
This piece is one of three sets of girls’ legs that are all part of “Misbehaving: Media Machines Act Out,” a project supported by the Creative Capital Foundation.
More info about the “Misbehaving Machines” project HERE.