Heidi Kumao2020-09-09T19:48:41-04:00 So Below Gallery So Below Featured, Narrative Fabric Works So Below
Heidi Kumao2021-03-31T20:59:59-04:00 Gulf of Missed Opportunities Gallery Gulf of Missed Opportunities Featured, Narrative Fabric Works, NYC-exhibition-2021 Gulf of Missed Opportunities
Heidi Kumao2020-09-09T19:44:07-04:00 Grey Blob Gallery Grey Blob Featured, Narrative Fabric Works Grey Blob
Heidi Kumao2021-04-12T23:09:13-04:00 Devoured Gallery Devoured Animation, Featured, NYC-exhibition-animation-2021 Devoured
Heidi Kumao2020-09-10T17:59:04-04:00 Swallowed Whole-video Gallery Swallowed Whole-video Animation, Featured, Video Swallowed Whole-video
Heidi Kumao2020-09-10T18:12:46-04:00 Resist Gallery Resist Featured, Interactive, Mechanical sculptures, Misbehaving Machines Resist
Heidi Kumao2020-09-10T18:32:02-04:00 Protest Gallery Protest Featured, Interactive, Mechanical sculptures, Misbehaving Machines, Sculpture Protest
Heidi Kumao2020-09-10T16:28:34-04:00 Transplant Gallery Transplant Featured, Video Installation Transplant
Heidi Kumao2019-09-09T08:45:27-04:00 Childhood Rituals: Consumption Gallery Childhood Rituals: Consumption Cinema Machines, Featured, Mechanical sculptures Childhood Rituals: Consumption